Hello! I am Tiamo (el troubadour), an independent musician from the Netherlands.
My Style
My musical brain is, somehow, divided into four parts.
I love singer-songwriter stuff, small songs with just a piano and a voice, cute melodies or heartbreaking lyrics.
But due to the health issues I’ll explain below, I also make instrumental music from time to time.
I love folk/pop/rock—the stomping your foot, shouting along, breaking your guitar strings kind.
But I also grew up in the theatre, creating a love for musical theatre songs. I’m just as likely to start belting “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” as I am to sing some obscure Mumford & Sons song.
Though these last two categories currently don’t have any album yet, due to those darn health issues.
My Body
I picked up my first guitar at the age of seven. From then, the dream of becoming a full-time (probably famous, and rich) musician was on.
I learned piano, drums, took singing lessons, spent years training and preparing … but it just wasn’t meant to be.
A chronic illness rages through my body and makes me unable to make music whenever I want. My abilities are very inconsistent, and I need many breaks.
It took a long time to “accept” that, in which I wrote literally hundreds of songs.
But now I’m bundling those songs into albums (mostly in chronological order), trying to record at least an hour every week, so I can present my music to the world!
My Work
Because of those health issues, I’ve decided to hedge my bets!
I work as a general freelance artist, also writing, drawing, designing, and more.
To view an overview of all my work, visit my Portfolio.
My game studio has a separate website: Pandaqi.
And my writing has its own home as well: Tiamo Pastoor.
These website were built, however, to easily display and release all my work for free. To share it freely, make it accessible, make it look nice, give it a home.
To actually get an income, I run a (mostly Dutch) webshop selling merchandise. This will be replaced by a much larger, international webshop selling both digital goods (e.g. sound effects, recordings, guides, etc) and physical goods (e.g. a nice T-shirt with a cool guitar logo) in the near future.
Email is the magic word!
Ask me anything at harmonize@eltroubadour.com
(Live) Performances? Due to my health issues, I’m not touring or doing (live) performances. I have dreams and high hopes, obviously, but it’s unlikely that will ever be a reality for me.
Social media? I understand the power and importance of social media … but I value my time, health and integrity more.
These days, social media is nothing more than a huge channel through which everyone promotes and advertises, and at best a time sink for everyone else.
I’m not going to spam my music on a website I don’t even use or enjoy myself. Especially if it costs me a few hours in which I could’ve made more music and better music.