A mini-album with 5 acoustic songs, using my Spanish guitar and my voice. Full of harmonies, intricate guitar parts, surprising melodies and thought-provoking lyrics. And the odd instrument thrown in there that is not a guitar.
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Use the widget below to listen to the album, right on this website. If you like the music, support me by buying the album (on BandCamp), or streaming the music on your favourite streaming service!
More Info
Adding more instruments (than just guitar) adds more possibilities and makes some things easier … but also presented new challenges. I was actually a bit overwhelmed by the obstacles along the route to “learning how to mix/master your own music”, causing me to put down the project for a while (nearly 6 months).
When I picked it up again, I’d gained some more experience (such as creating a Christmas song with a full band). I listened to the full album once, while writing down my thoughts. This led to two pages full of scribbled notes, which I fixed/improved and then called the album done. Most of them came down to:
- “Add more instruments here to add power and fill up space, guitar can only do so much”
- “Less reverb, some more volume on the voice”
- This part sounds wrong/bad/out of tune => re-record it
In the end, these “tweaks” did a lot for the album. By no means perfect — it’s only my second try — but already a bit more complete than my first album.
For full background information, notes, audio recording wisdom and more, visit my blog: Notes on “Is it Too Much to Ask”
Tabs / Chords / Lyrics
If possible, I publish the lyrics/chords/tablature for all my songs!
This way, anyone can play my music and discover the chords, without wasting time trying to figure out the precise chord being played or lyric being sung.
Pick your favorite song below and start playing: